Category Archives: Keyshawn Johnson

Fantasy Football ’07 Draft – AWARDS

Well the ’85 Bears draft is over, and the results are in.  This was the craziest year of the draft I ever recall.  Between one guy taking a kicker with his fourth pick, to the 7th place finisher last year risking his season by picking 8, yes 8, running backs with his 15 picks.  Now, if he plans to trade them, he’s OBVIOUSLY ok, but this was the strangest draft in recent memory.

To celebrate the draft today, let’s recap the draft by giving KEYSHAWS THRILLEST AND ILLEST AWARDS:

GOLDEN FOOT AWARD – Team taking the first kicker 

TEAM FLEM!!  This years powerhouse team went out on a limb with Adam Vinatieri with his fourth pick (37th overall).   This team will go the distance.



GOLDEN WHEELCHAIR AWARDTeam taking the oldest player

TEAM FLEM continues to celebrate fantasy excellance by taking 60 year old, Priest Holmes with the 24th overall pick and FLEM’s third pick.


Mt. RUSH-MORE AWARD – Team taking the most Running Backs

Weiner breaks the TEAM FLEM dominance by selecting not 5, not, 6, not even 7, but 8 running backs.  We only have 15 players, and Weiner took over half.


MR. LAST PICK OF THE DRAFT AWARD – Last player taken in the draft

F*ck Keyshawn takes DREW BENNETT with the 150th overall pick.  Why did DREW BENNETT go 150th?   Cause F*ck Keyshawn thats why!



ILLEST TEAM NAME OF THE DRAFT – The worst team name in the draft.

ICY COLD wins an award in just his first year in the ’85 BEARS.  Below is a pic of the ICY COLD – Brrrrr Spirit Dancers!  Nice work ICY COLD, that name has my motor runnin.




Filed under Bears, Fantasy Football, Keyshawn Johnson, NFL, NFL Draft, Uncategorized


Keyshawn has been cut by the Carolina Panthers and in a press conference last night the media asked coach John Fox why this was done and he replied, “You wanna know why, because F^(K Keyshawn thats why.”  Well stated Mr. Fox you took the words right out of my mouth.  Dwayne Jarret could be my new favorite draft pick of ’07 because he will forever be know as the guy who bumped Keyshawn out of the league.keyshawn.jpgkeyshawn_2.jpg


Filed under Bears, Breaking News, Cardinals, Josh Hancock, Keyshawn Johnson, NFL